Gaming Laptops vs. Gaming Desktops Which is Better

August 16, 2021

Gaming Laptops vs. Gaming Desktops: Which is Better?

Are you a gamer looking to upgrade your gaming setup? One of the biggest decisions you'll have to make is whether to invest in a gaming laptop or a gaming desktop. Both options have their pros and cons, making it a tough decision to make. In this post, we'll objectively compare both options with numbers and references to help you make the right choice for your gaming needs.


When it comes to gaming, performance is everything. Gaming desktops have historically been the go-to option for gamers demanding top-of-the-line performance. This is mainly because they have more room for powerful components such as large processors, graphics cards, and cooling systems.

However, gaming laptops have come a long way in recent years. With advanced technology, gaming laptops can now offer comparable performance to gaming desktops while being portable. The trade-off is that cooling systems on gaming laptops are usually less powerful, leading to more thermal throttling.

If we’re comparing apples to apples in terms of the price range, desktops will always take the lead. Desktop cpus are typically more powerful than their laptop counterparts such as laptops having the Ryzen 4000 series will be overpowered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 desktop version, and laptops GPUs are also underclocked compared to their desktop counterparts.

Overall, gaming desktops offer superior performance due to superior hardware power, ventilation, and overall temperature control.


Portability is where gaming laptops shine. You can pack up your laptop and play games from anywhere, be it at a friend's house or on vacation. On the other hand, gaming desktops are impractical to move around as they are big, bulky, and require complicated wiring.

In terms of the battery life of a laptop, don't hold your breath. The average gaming laptop battery can last around 3-4 hours at best, and it can be much less if you’re pushing it. Furthermore, when gaming on laptops, it is best to keep it plugged in for the best performance.


The price is a vital factor when deciding between gaming laptops and desktops. Gaming laptops can be more expensive than gaming desktops due to portability factors and the need for more compact and specialized hardware.

Desktops can offer the same gaming quality for a lower overall cost, a reason that many gamers opt for this solution. A budget gaming desktop can cost as little as $500, whereas a budget gaming laptop can be around $800. That being said, we must stress that gaming laptops are entirely worth the money you spend on them.


In conclusion, both gaming laptops and gaming desktops offer their advantages and disadvantages. If you're looking for maximum performance and don't need portability, go for a gaming desktop. However, if portability is essential, choose a gaming laptop.

Both gaming setups options come down to personal preference, budget, and what you're ready to compromise on. If you're looking to buy a gaming laptop or desktop, do thorough research to find the best gaming setup that fits your gaming needs.


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